Friday 16 January 2015

How to - Winged Liner in 6 steps!

I have been asked, on a number of occasions, how I do my winged eyeliner. It has taken me many years to perfect and following on from my previous post, I thought it'd be a good idea to note down how I do it ( I will sort out some pictures to go along with this!)

1, Make sure you have your collection 2000 liquid liner ( or whatever liner you are most comfortable with using! )

2, Once you have completed your base make up and pencil liner along the inner lid ( If you wish to do that!) I would advise a dab of Vaseline on a cotton bud into each corner of your eye. This, I have found, stops my liner from running, should the weather be cold or windy. This has been a life saver when it comes to liner for me!

3, I would generally start mid eye about half a cm above the eyelash line and start the wing out to the outer edge of your eye. This can go as far as you'd like to take it, I always use the end of my eyebrow as a guide.

4, I then complete the line towards the nose and follow it down a little and and towards the middle of the lower lid.

5, I then check that each eye matches. Don't panic if one is longer than the other or has a different curve! Just use a cotton bud to wipe off the offending line and redo. Cotton buds allows you to be more specific with rubbing out which is very helpful. Good lighting and natural daylight helps when checking the lines match up.

6, By now you should have completed pin up winged liner ;)

Please comment with any questions you might have and I will do my best to help!  Rachael xx

1 comment:

Vintage Fox said...

Great blog! :) looking forward to more posts